Why Love is the Secret to true Power
I used to think it was soft to say Love, but now i realise soft is great, and soft is power. More power than any amount of physical muscle, redbull or “tough mind” can produce
I remember an old girlfriend saying to me she loved me over and over, i used to say stop being so soppy, and i saw her disappointment. So i used to force myself to say it back because i thought “Girls only know what this is, and men just say it back to keep them happy”. The truth is that i never understood love, i never knew what it even meant, so how could i feel it? Its like talking about chocolate cake being tasty, but never tasting it !
At the time i wasn't aware that there were deeper blocks within me which didn't allow me to accept, show or believe in love. I saw the movies when it showed the cartoon characters hearts beating out of their chest, the only reaction i had was “ha ha, funny cat” (Tom from Tom and Jerry I'm referring to if you didn't get it)
The worst thing was…. I believed it was unmanly, where the hell did that come from??? Perhaps the heavy weight lifting i was doing, perhaps the fact that dudes never talk about this stuff, perhaps the fact that i didnt hear the word love expressed much growing up, who knows. But in the past, LOVE EQUALLED WEAK.
Here's what i have come to realise now, that it was OK to be manly, in fact its great. Right now I’m at the top of manhood, but it isn’t clouded by insecurities anymore like it used to, there isn’t any proving game, look at my fancy watch, my big bank balance, my big muscles, my stoic sternness, none of that nonsense!
That's all covered in fear of inadequacy, which of course as a man means total weakness and lack of purpose in life. We are leaders, we are kings, we are born to create and born to seek growth and power. I embrace that now, but i channel my efforts towards taking big actions rather than suppressed and passive acts of manhood
This energy is within woman too, you see the woman who is trying to prove her dominance among men and woman, trying to prove a point and create a sense of validation. When secretly she is scared of being rejected and abandoned.
Listen — i am not saying any of this to talk down at people, i am saying it to help you grow, because i have been there and here's a question for you:
- Does it feel enjoyable and liberating to be act this way?”
- Or does it feel stressful and tiring?
So you may ask, “So Mr. Bigman Sage Raj if you think you know it all, tell me a better way?!”
The way out is in…
What i mean by that is going into the heart, the soul, the core of who you are. The part which hasn't been touched by memories, beliefs passed down from parents and others, judgements, intellect created from experiences.
This part is what is called as “Chitta” in yogic science. And this isn’t about bending yourself into a pretzel!! Yoga to me is like a religion without the nonsense, a way of being through self-created evolution, not through sitting in a temple praying!
Chitta is accessing the intelligence before memories, the innate intelligence we have as a living being, the consciousness that binds all. Its that feeling that we share with others, why else do you think you connect with someone in that “warm and indescribable way?” it isn’t because of your mind, its your deeper self which just knows.
And once this awareness is raised, we can uncloud the nonsense beliefs i spoke about above, the ego, the “manliness”, the “lady-likeness”, the annoyance about equality, the proving of my power, the making a point syndrome. It can fade away
How to do this?
- Outdoors — Get into nature and out of the electronic life — Phones, music, all of that has to go, and you go into pure presence with this moment. Living through the senses, and repeat THIS MOMENT
- Meditate — another way to access stillness. Its funny because every thought we have usually has an automatic reaction, so when people first begin meditating they tell me they cannot stop their thoughts. GREAT! If you are aware of that then you are on the right path, your thoughts will keep tapping you on the shoulder asking you to react, the more you DONT react, the more you rewire your brain to get out of the autopilot reactive mode
- Walk Mindfully — Notice i dont say jump around and do a heavy workout, i instead say BE, not DO to avoid your thoughts. There is neuroscience research which proves that walking is awesome because your mind believes you are making progress, you are developing, you are going somewhere, so it will help you to create solutions and get out of the thinking loop
- Creativity — Read, Write, Dance, Paint , Speak to someone who will listen — Allowing yourself to express yourself creates a greater sense of awareness because you are not trapping or pushing away your wisdom by focusing on thoughts. You are instead allowing creativity to flow naturally. Creativity comes from your innate intelligence, not your thinking
And that's all for now. There's many more, but i will let you use your imagination and think of others which suit you.
What about LOVE?
This article was about love, and i didn't dive straight into it because i believe awareness and love dance a romantic symphony together. Once you have greater awareness, you can let the nonsense noise slip away, and now when love comes in, you can feel it to a much powerful level
As i described earlier, i thought that i didn't feel love for my entire life, and i believed that it wasn't real. A lot was going on underneath the surface, which i wont go into now. But in essence, there was a block, and that block wasn’t visible until i had the awareness i described above.
Once i could see more clearly, the energy began travelling to my heart area, and i felt this KABOOM of explosiveness. It felt more powerful than any other drug, feeling or rollercoaster i had sat on
Really it was energy being transported like a waterfall upwards through my body, from my legs, like a tree which grabs its nutrients from the ground into the branches. But like that on CRACK! Imagine one of those comics where the regular person drinks the potion and gains superpowers! Or when the nutty professor drinks the potion and turns into Buddy Loveee …
I then began to realised that i was more open, less fearful, less judgmental of people, more caring, less worried, more fun, less angry, more smiley, less low, and to sum it up i would say its like turning myself from ME to WE
And here's the kicker — it isn't about being loving towards one single person or group, the WE is about a connection to all beings, our shared connection as humans. And to feel that, every day, is a super power beyond anything else
Here's why:
- Me focused creates self criticism and comparison
- Me focused means worried about how you look, speak, or act
- Me focused means you are able to judge others, get angry at others if they don't conform, and you have a “way you do things”
- We Focused you realized we are all pretty much the same, just on different paths
- We Focused means you see yourself as accepted and loved by everyone, and you do the same for them
- We Focused means you cannot judge someone else, because it really means you are judging yourself. There is no way of doing things, there is just experiencing and learning stages as a human
To Close
How i like to act is that i am a very logical person, i like to understand and use the tools of our humanity in a practical way. And if this “love tool” is helping me in every way, then i want more of it, and less of what doesn't serve me
Here's some ways you can use this tool. Imagine i was a DIY store sales man!
- You will create more connections, network, be open in your communication
- You will straight up Speak, write, listen and move better!
- You will have more fun, because now you aren't so focused on yourself, you love talking to people and you smile more, attracting greater abundance into your life
- Your business/career/bank balance will fly, trust me on this one. No life works without human connection, and if you become a master at communication without having to take some lame ass Head focused course, then you are winning
- Your health and physical body will change, you will look younger and you will feel more energised. Imagine having less anxiety and less stress, your body will love this more than any massage, gut health diet or nonsense product that someone is trying to sell, which you’ve lovingly wished would help you.
And many more…! I’m smiling as i write this, as i am excited for you work on this for yourself.
As i said above, life isn’t about muscles, money, or cars, its about how peaceful, ecstatic and fulfilled you are in life
I haven’t given you any secret formulas in this article, because it works differently for every single person depending on your circumstances and desires.
If this article has helped you then great, if you want more then send me a message and i will send you some resources and help you in the best way i can.
My Details are below. I also make daily video content via my Instagram and Facebook pages. Check it out.
Enjoy your Day
Love. Raj