Instant Freedom From Fear, and Unlimited Power (31.01.25)
Here’s news that might be useful to hear: in one moment, you can have instant freedom from fear without having to spend years working on it.
Here’s how — face your fears instead of doing everything to try to avoid a situation being uncomfortable or analyzing why there is fear.
All of that is coming from fear — reserved, backseat illusion of control, cowardice to be direct. The opposite of courage. It’s logic trying to play superior and solution-oriented, but it’s only a false sense of safety.
The best way to be free is to face life. As Tony Robbins did with a lady who had a fear of snakes, he shouted “SNAKES” at her. And she became instantly comfortable with it. He then showed her a snake. Face it.
It gets us directly into the fear — face it head-on. Like how public speaking was my biggest fear.
I spent so long figuring out why I had the fear, changing me, thinking I had to change who I was.
I realized I don’t need to spend all this time changing me. I didn’t need to change anything — only learn skills. Skills are different from fumbling around inside the psychological world (as relieving as it may feel).
Skills are action. Like being able to chop a tree down or play an instrument. It’s active; it’s in reality vs. in the head. Passive vs. active.
I stopped playing the backseat safe role, and instead, I went for it (go for it!).
Having a hunger — you know the energy of hunger — it’s switching on a fire.
Hunger energy.
Switching on the power button. Instantly, it’s on.
Power changes everything.
Power inside burns all the fear, as Kali and Shiva energy may represent. Destroying illusion, destroying fear — it’s gone, fast, now, right here, now.
Instantly. It’s not analyzing, safely feeling, dipping in the toes — it’s energy shifting, now.
Facing the crowd in public speaking, being the one who can handle it.
Confidence, actively going for it — that kind of energy is the one I am inviting you to feel into right now.
Going for it, fire, silently facing it, still. This is leadership energy — royal activation. Out of the story of fear, avoiding danger, defensive actions, and instead, facing it, dealing with it, doing what has to be done — powerfully, fearlessly.
This is instant. As Zen says, be here — “just tree.” The tree is there. It doesn’t need any thoughts to be added to it. Be with the tree now.
Be with life, now. No extra mental layers.
See it for how it is. See the fear moving, and see the reality amongst it — delayered.
Removing the second arrow, as they say in Buddhism. The first arrow is the pain, or the situation — the truth of what is occurring. The second arrow is the mental addition. The “ow, it hurts,” vs. handling it, where it doesn’t hurt as much without the added drama.
Zen’s teachings, from my eight years of practice, are about being here. Facing reality, seeing the original face in all things — in me, in situations, in everything.
Face reality with lifeforce energy activated, power on, vs. mental tactics of avoidance — clever tactics of control.
Separation is the cause of all of this — survival, me needing to survive.
With speaking, I realized — I am here, with others. I am not alone on this stage. It simply is not true. We are here.
And I can let my fire out — interact with people, with life, with the lifeforce moving through me. It’s wonderful, actually.
The fear is only from control — from wanting it to be a certain way or wanting it to not be another way.
If we let the lifeforce be unleashed — the power — if we let it be felt, unrestricted, volcano erupting, if we let it feel bad, let it feel scary, let the body shake, let it do its thing — then it’s all okay.
Be brave. Don’t cower over this. It’s life — why be scared of facing this?
You can handle it.
You can handle anything.
You can handle way more than your body or mind may believe and try to protect you from.
Once we do this — once we face reality — instant freedom is had.
The old saying: “It wasn’t as bad as I thought.”
Of course not, because the thought is the one that is thinking bad. Reality is never that way.
So we face reality, and we see. We teach ourselves, we show ourselves — riding the bike wasn’t as bad as we thought. Doing anything we’ve ever done wasn’t as bad as we thought.
Only through experiencing it did we learn.
So the most intelligent thing to do is to keep experiencing life vs. experiencing fear and allowing fear to continue to run the show.
It’s instant — experiencing life, from experiencing fear. It’s instantly different.
The body is felt, the whole experience of life is unified. Yoga is unification as a teaching.
And we don’t need to always DO unification. Not in every situation does it help to DO. Often, we simply need to remove the obstacles to it.
Freedom — instant. Even now. Anything holding us in tension — it can be gone. Now. Now. No need for years of analyzing, therapy, buying into it, safely navigating around it, changing ourselves, changing our entire life because of it.
That sounds like a lot of work when freedom can be instantly had.
Once you know the mechanism to activate it — the sequence of actions — it’s easy. Like knowing how to drive a car.
So practice, learn, and you will see — instant freedom can be had.
P.S. — If you want to learn the practical mechanisms for how instant freedom can be had instantly, I offer mentoring on this. I offer mentoring on how to activate your power, fast, in every situation — and how to be free at the same time, fearlessly loving life.
Message me if interested in recieving a free meditation which will give you a taster of this experience.