How a Bird Enlightened Me To Play The Game and Be My “Blest”

Raj Gorsia
6 min readJun 9, 2021


I was sitting there this morning and enjoying my morning journal, but this time it was different, I was more inspired by nature than usual and watching the little birds jumping around on the floor, and then it hit me…. An enlightening insight:

We are like birds, living life based on all we think we know… looking for what we think we need, because we are UNAWARE of another way to live. The only difference is that we have one thing that the bird doesn’t — the choice to BECOME AWARE

Before i go into the story let me set the scene for you. I spend every single morning exercising my body, practicing yoga, breathing, meditation, writing and reading — its my discipline to ensure that i can make a baby step into becoming wiser, healthier and smarter — when the rest of the day is a mess, i know i’ve already had a head start and smashed the morning.

I create a powerful state of being each morning and it has allowed me to cultivate this rocket ship of continuous enlightening moments in the past 5 years (and more profoundly in the last 2 years), in Zen they call it Kensho moments

The past 6 months have been different though, its like everything is clicking like never before, like these kensho/enlightening revelations are piling up as quick as a 200 doughnuts would on your waist! But instead of the doughnut fat, its a slab of wisdom and power within me.

This morning was one of those moments, the click, the insight, the humble wise smile of “I just know”. In yoga there is a term called “the wisdom body”, and its the part of us which is able to access the unmuddied intelligence, one which is not restricted or confused by memories of the mind, its clean and fluid insight.

Below is an unedited version of the exact words that i wrote on my notepad. Every morning i write just to release my insights in a throwaway manner and never looking at my writing ever again, which ensures i get the cleanest output because there is no expectation, and its burnt forever.

Therefore i never plan to share any of these personal insights with anyone, but i want to share todays writings with you so that you can have an insight into me and the journey i am still on. Perhaps it will spark an insight for you? If it does, then I’d love to hear about it.

Lets Begin:

Morning Journal

Date: 09/06/2021, 7.30AM

Location: Outdoors in the sunshine

Feelings: Calm

09–06–2021 — Morning

So i see a tiny little bird jumping around looking for food in the grass i suspect, and i thought to myself “aw cute bird, its so simple and tiny”

And then i notice some judgements which say

“dumb bird, all it knows is the endless searching for food, jumping around all day long”

Then a huge enlightening moment occurs as i realised that this is all humans and their intentions in life, its these conditioning, lack, fears passed down from person to person, society and life which makes a person become the same as the bird, constantly looking for the food, the hit.

Its natural tendency draws it to that, its all it knows. This is the same as humans who have not awakened to their potential in life, so they do all they know, unconsciously. Its searching for happiness, satisfying their physical needs, but really mental needs of this asleep unconscious which only knows the desire, it knows nothing else, like the bird.

So i cannot judge the bird nor the human, as i realised in this moment that even me, with my morally high ground of coaching, its not fully selfless, its a desire for me to fill the needs and around around the pain, or perceived pain around non-achievement, wasting of time, the fact that i don't have some things, so i must excel in others. I must do my the best I can with all i have.

This isn’t a bad thing at all, but it does help me slow down and see things way more clearly, the constant chase, the human desire for more, for fulfilment, perhaps its a complete illusion, because in this moment all is good, but perhaps its — a purpose of knowing that in each moment i have something to keep my attention occupied, i have desire to grow, to achieve, perhaps this purpose combined with absolute presence is what’s really anchoring me into blissful awareness right now

Its gratitude for the heightened awareness, once its seen it cannot be unseen, and all of the things that i am doing are not just allowing my spiritual journey to prosper, its all done with that in mind, a game for growth, like the bird… but rather choosing when i want to play , whilst knowing full well that its a game, the truth is living and being here, the rest is entertainment, creative work as an output to play with and see what happens.

Its an illusion which is self-created and i see that now, and that detaches me even more, but it motivates me equally as much. Because like the controller on a PlayStation, I can put it down anytime I want, and keep loving living life.

This is the only truth — Being.

My Reflections

The first thing that comes up after writing that was, “wow my handwriting is hard to read”, but the second is — I am so grateful for to myself, for allowing myself to tap into my creative genius. None of what i write in the morning requires thinking, its like unleashing my soul into my hand, and letting the hand do the rest, its extremely enjoyable, and writing it down is way more powerful than just thinking it, its like releasing a waterfall out of your head.

I often think of some actions after generating insights, both for myself and for my clients. This way i can integrate the learnings into my beings, my behaviors.

Therefore these are my 3 actions for today:

1 — Serve someone today to figure out how they take the mental pressure off their desires in life, its way more achievable and fun if its treated like a game. Ever met a person who doesn’t like a game? We forget this as adults, playing makes it exciting.

2 — Give myself a long space in the day to sit and do nothing with my eyes open. Not meditating, that's a tool i use for specific purposes, but rather just BEING, listening to the birds, feeling the sunshine, celebrating my health, there's an old story which says

I complained about my scruffy shoes, until i met a man with no legs

We always have something to be grateful for in this present moment, find what it is for you, and tap into it

3 — Be the Blest (not best) — anything can be made enjoyable if its grounded in presence and focus, even the long study paper, the boring chores, the meeting you don't want to go to. As long as your inner state is powerful, then nobody is pushing you around because you are so blissful that it doesn’t affect you to be around energy vampires. Be your best Bliss — Blest!

To Close

I hope you found this useful, at the very least you get to see what goes on in my crazy brain. Its been useful for me because i have created a brand new word to describe my mission BLEST! Lets see if i can make it that one stick…

If you can relate to what i have said throughout this article then write me a message with your one key take away. If you know me by now then i always ask for a take away, that means i know that i have played with your thinking a little and perhaps created a micro-insight for you.

Insights is what i live for, that moment where you say “Ah….”, so drop me a message with your “Ah..” from this.

You can contact me at, or hit me up on my Instagram/FB page (link below). I am actively making video content on social media, hit me up there.

My last words for today are —

Play the game of life…. but remember its just a game. So be your Blest

Amor. Raj



Raj Gorsia
Raj Gorsia

Written by Raj Gorsia

🤯I've spent years learning how to get out of my head ✈ I am going to teach you how to become Zen like calm whilst crushing it in life ➡ Yin and Yang

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