Hello Everyone — I’m Raj I'm A Coach and this Page is all about me releasing writing from an Intoxicated State of Mind
I write every single morning after deep yoga, breathwork, meditation for roughly 90 minutes. It may not be the typical type of spiritual practice that i can easily put into words, what i will say is that it is based on techniques that i have learnt over the years around energy creation. I have learnt how to tap into an energy which although it may be physical… I wouldn’t describe it as that. I am always reluctant to label and put things into a box, some may say its kundalini yoga, but i don't always practice that style, some would say energy work, but i think that does it a disservice… Some may say transcendental, but that also sounds very airy fairy. What I’m doing has a high level of tangible value towards how I show up everyday and crush life.
Please allow me to butcher the science for the very good reason of explaining it so everyone understands, “I get high off my own supply”, meaning I am using nothing but my body, breathe and spirit to uncloud the thoughts that my identity (mind) seems to want to grasp to.
Bear in mind i don’t wakeup each morning licking my lips excited to get high. A huge lesson that i learnt very early was that if i was trying to chase a high, then it isn’t really practicing. So hence why i was slightly reluctant to call it a high in the first place because its quite a disservice, but i know a high is a something we all understand by feeling rather than logic, if i was to say….liberation, your smart mind will outsmart you into not understanding! And when i say liberation, i mean freeing myself from my mind, and from my body, connecting to something greater than both of those.
So now you see why its a mistake to go into meditation with an attachment to an outcome, because that is Mind driven, its gripping, its wanting, its hoping, it would be missing the point completely.
I don’t worry too much about finding ways to describe my practice because it means i am doing it an injustice by putting myself into a box. I will say I often chose practices made popular by Hatha Yoga, yin yoga, Kundalini yoga, Tai chi, Qi Gong, breathwork, pranayama, HIIT workouts, bodyweight movements, kriya, meditation (many forms!), and a few more….You see… you are already reading these and identifying definitions to them! I would rather not encourage separation and become a part of a “club”, because it just creates more attachment and identity, really I am just seeking to know the part of myself which is just there…. joyful, peaceful!
I am very much a believer of being a “polymath” in life, someone who is a jack of all trades, but great at every single one, to a point that I am living in my own philosophy, my own truth. So i often am reluctant to even label myself as a Coach, a meditation teacher, a Health expert, a man, an Indian, a Yoga Practitioner, a reader, a runner, a weightlifter, a writer, etc.. Even as i write those things, I sense the ego smiling like Mr Burns from the Simpsons.
You may be thinking Why is he harping on about this so much… You will begin to understand as i post more stories about my journey of life, from self labelling myself as “the most anxious person I know”, to now accepting the title others label me as “the most Zen person I know”.
Although i am slightly more experienced in Yoga/Hindu Philosophy, I also practice Buddhism, Shamanism, Taoism, Zen, and Stoicism. Again this plays into my attitude of being open to hearing various views, because really they are all just teaching how to live life without any limits.
Each of these schools of living have helped me to learn to become aware of the realm outside of physical and psychological (thoughts and emotions). Tapping into something which we all are aware of every time we smile, every time we feel connection — joy, bliss, being, energy at the simplest level
Its easy to read this and understand it at a logical statement, but committing daily massive action towards something every single day is what allowed me to really experience growth in its highest magnitude.
After being anxious and stuck in logical thinking all of my life, I eventually learnt that my greatest learnings in life have been felt through experience. The way i would describe spiritual growth is to be intoxicated off the energy of life itself, something which we ALL experience through certain life experiences . Its that feeling which makes you feel heavily aroused, you really stop and become truly present, like time just froze, i call it that feeling of AWE.
This is what I consciously cultivate every day, so i don't need to wait for an external event to shake me up and bring me into joy, i want to remind myself of this feeling in any moment simply by closing my eyes, without being dependent on life connecting to me and reminding me, i remind myself by connecting to life!
Therefore when I write in the mornings, my awareness is heavily heightened and i let it pound the the keyboard without thinking , just letting it flow so effortlessly. I am in very much a trance state, and by that i mean Hyper Conscious… its as if something is coming through me rather than from me, and i can express my rawest feelings into this thing that the logical man created called language
I used to say it was like therapy, but after doing it everyday for nearly two years, I would now say its rather an exercise to solidify something from inner world into outer world, so that my brain can absorb it and let it sink in. Kind of like hearing the sounds of the ocean as you walk on a beach… you know how good it feels, so when you are indoors you can write about it and be reminded of the feelings...
To put it into the perspective of when i am trying to absorb learnings from a book: (The same approach can be applied to many activities)
- Create an altered state which is more susceptible to input and less guarded. With higher awareness and heightened levels of focus
- Do the learning when in this altered state — much more bang for my buck
- Make my own written summaries and conclusions about how it was helpful for my life. (based on my own life, not generalizing) .. Becoming clear on what I learnt and how it may impact my future actions
- And then taking action based on the learnings which i found most applicable.
The purpose of my written reflection is based on step 2 above, to absorb all of the insights that I am feeling in that exact moment in the heightened state of awareness, with clarity and away from mind fog/illusion.
Similar to the great Marcus Aurelius and his writings of “meditations”, I write for myself, nobody ever sees it, and I NEVER look back on past writings (crazy right after 2 years of daily writing!). I do this because there is a purpose of the writing — present moment awareness, nothing else. If i know i will never read it ever again, and nobody else will…..I get the purest of thoughts out.
Its like burning the piece of paper directly after i finish writing. Collecting words and working on writing skills is not beneficial to my day….!
I also know that the ego may kick in and my writing may change to be aimed towards impressing my future self or others, and that means I have totally lost the true potential and reason for writing
So despite all of what i just said…! — I have decided that I will publish some of my writings to this page to share my findings…. but do so without even notifying myself of it in advance, that way i can maintain the purity . I will chose writings that i have completed already.
So why after 2 years of isolated writing do i decide to do this now? Well I feel it may be helpful to connect with like minded people, and hear if anyone can relate or benefit from what i am saying.
I always used to think it was me alone with my mind struggles, but thankfully I have found that common belief is not true at all! Also — I have levelled up in the past few years and gone from fear limiting me to fear motivating me!
Therefore I’d love for you to comment if any feelings come up for you when you read my posts, it means that I know that sharing my insights has some impact on someone out there !
I have been free writing for longer than i have been creating videos or speaking on podcasts… So i am very excited to put a few writing publicly!
I held off from publishing because i didn’t want to become a person who read over and edits posts or be OCD about grammar…. But that was just my mind holding me back… So i dropped it.. and as you can tell from this post, i have not invested much time on edit or wording!!!
The dropping of the mind analysis is what I have done for my video content, podcast appearances, speaking. There is no pre-thinking involved, no planning, I just show up, let out my voice, and I’m done. I don’t second look or judge anything that goes out.
More importantly — I am a believer of spending time on what most matters in life. Not on mind created dialog
You may be asking… HOW, WHY, NO WAY I BELIEVE HIM. And to answer the Why, here's why….. We a humans become so easily distracted by perfectionism, how things look, that is not what i am not about anymore because i used to be that person exactly.
I was paralyzed by anxiety and questioning my value in life, analyzing and being careful in everything i did, reviewing emails and text messages with a fine comb before sending, checking photos of myself out, worrying about what i did or said in the past, wishing i didn't do certain things, wishing i did do other things. I believed my thoughts and it limited my life, I refuse to let my fear rule me ever again.
So you will see a lot of unpolished stories, my rawest thoughts, even if that means it isn’t as concise as it could be, I’d rather create in the moment, hit publish and forget about it.
I refuse to give my monkey mind any bananas :)
70% ready RIGHT NOW, beats 100% ready god knows when!
So lets make it a fun by calling it my “Writing style” and a practice of mindfulness as you read… Imagine me writing with the energy i described, making all sorts of grammar mistakes… See how you react, see what feelings come up for you… drop it and forget about it… Then smile as you think of me! :)
My first official post is publishing this week, you can expect a post each week at least, and i will post related stories on my Instagram/fb too, so make sure you are tuned into those to get the full picture!
This weeks post will be about I wrote it on the morning as it snowed in London. I had just finished meditating and I woke up to see the streets paved in snow! My meditated smile became 10X’d!
Here's a little description of what is coming in that story!
What Snow has taught me about Being Grateful for Every Change, Every Moment of Existence, Pure Presence is the only place you need to be!
To follow my video content check out my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rajgorsia/
And also check out my page for some podcasts guest appearances: https://linktr.ee/Consciousness
For now Ciao :)
Mucho Amor