10 Human Prosperity Principles
If you really master these principles, you’ll become Stronger, Wiser, Calmer, Effective, Inspired and Fulfilled
I have meshed these together based on own experiences, this isnt out of a book! These are the principles that i wish someone told me because its taken years of experimenting, struggling and refining to gain this wisdom.
If you can commit 12 months to the below, you’ll look in the mirror and not even recognise yourself. Life will be more vibrant then you can ever imagine
If you commit the rest of your life to LIVING at 100%, imagine how at peace you would feel during the last moments of your life? We have no idea when that will be, so we owe it to ourselves to leave no stone unturned, and squeeze every ounce of juice from this lemon we call life! Lets dive in…
1. CONSCIOUSNESS — Buddha was a human, we are all buddhas
- Slowing down into Presence, Mindfulness, the being mode, god, whatever you want to call it. Practicing this not only when you meditate, or do yoga (although most people don’t even do yoga this way!) but when you are walking, when you are with people, when you are doing anything. If you sit in the being mode, your body’s survival instinct stops. Its like turning off an alarm system which is vigilantly looking out for intruders!
- Being in this mode allows you to take in life at its full vibrancy, and connect with all that is already there, all you’ve been looking for will now be visible, like taking off an invisible cloak which was made by your mind. Now you are with everything, you are living in sync with life, Taoists call this wu wei, but simply its surrendering to the divine. That which keeps you alive, and keeps the planets spinning.
- If you are a skeptic, tell me how your body, nature, the world, the universe all works in perfect harmony? You cant answer that with logic, the smartest people in history haven’t been able to fully comprehend how life works, it just does!
2. UNTAPPED ENERGY — We have a secret treasure hidden inside us
Energy can sound like carbohydrates and foods, but I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the layer beneath that. What allows the carbohydrates to be converted into energy? The body you may say, okay so what allows the body to work? Blood and breathe you may say? Okay what allows that to work? Its life force, the unseen energy.
This is why after many years of focusing on only the physical plane of existence, i shifted my focus towards the subtle layers, because like a house if the foundation is strong then the rest takes care of itself.
If you can master your energy, think how much can be achieved in life? This energy doesn’t care if you’ve not slept well, eaten well, or you’ve worked hard all day. It allows you to push through regardless of mind and body.
For example, you wouldn’t usually wakeup at 3am, but if you got a call at 3am from a family member who is in trouble, you would be fully energised to help them regardless of your physical body. Even if you had not eaten for 3 days, you would muster up the power.
A more positive example is when you suddenly have an idea, motivation and feel this light energy circulating through your body, it feels endless and it feels exciting. The same feeling used to come up for me when i was booking a flight to go away, the energy of LIFE running through you.
What I discovered (which yogis knew for years) is that we can tap into this power without going anywhere, without relying on any external event. We can feel this way by becoming an alchemist with ourselves. I went travelling for 19 months, but i now can generate a greater feeling by simply using my body
3. Balance Creates buoyancy
I spent years being pumped up and full of energy, but nowhere to put it. I had bursts of anger, and was always trying to DO DO DO! And then at times i was calm, but too calm to want to do anything! You know this feeling?
What i realized was that uniting the two forces i describe above is the key because it means you are activating the parasympathetic nervous system, and bringing coherence with the usually more active sympathetic. If these are balanced, a unified force runs us. Like they say in Taoism, yin and yang, the see-saw is fun to play on when there are two evenly weighted people on it!
The ways i would suggest working with the first 3 points are:
- breathing exercises
- movement
- increasing your awareness to the changes in energy that you feel throughout the day. Monitor which situations affect you, log these down and start to study yourself like a book. You will then become your own guru!
Note: when i say balance, i am not saying go and watch netflix, binge and waste time now and then to balance out the hard work you’ve done. This is the trap people fall into! I mean becoming amazing at going fast, and going slow, mastering your modalities, mastering your energy.
4.GROWTH — Manifesting Passively Vs Manifesting Actively
In the modern day, the word manifesting is a great buzz word which is thrown around. So people will sit there repeating affirmations and wishing it will work. The challenge is that if the above two steps are not in place, then you will be wishing for the change that you want with a weak magnet of a hat on. If you are still stuck in fears, doubts, and the mind is polluted, none of this manifestation will be effective. How can it? Its like wearing a lie detector and lying to a judge whilst expecting him to believe you. NOTHING will change in your life!
But if done from the seat of true connection with your creative life force energy, and the consciousness. Then you are quite literally tapping into the power required from female and male to birth a child into the world. You are equally in a place of nurtured love and presence, as well as tapping into the expansion and fulfilment that we all seek. From a biological perspective, these are all of the things a life needs, so create this environment and the seed will sprout.
Once you have done this, tie it with the step below.
5. ACTION — Why Wait when you can create?
Do you really want to be passive and sit around waiting for someone to hand you something? Yes there is truth that things will start changing for you if you follow the steps above, but I believe it should be called laziness and dreaming rather than manifesting if you aren’t willing to take actions
Its like buying a lottery ticket and then putting all of your energy into winning. Do you want to wait around all of your life for that lottery ticket, that partner, the job, the life you want? Passively hoping that your “manifesting magic” will fall on your lap without you meeting it in the middle. Seriously, dont get lost in this hype…! You will lose yourself in it.
I am not saying it doesn’t create an empowering feeling (which hopefully will create motivation for you to take action — hell yeah its good for this!), but also it can have a disempowering feeling if you are just depending on something else to come and save the day.
I regularly hear from people who have repeated affirmations and nothing has changed in their life. This is because the distraction of doing an affirmation feels like a way easier thing to do then actually take powerful action towards their desires, it feels like they are trying their best, but they aren’t. There must be personal empowerment in order for you to allign with the mystical, as co-creators. If you are working from a place of fear, and wishing, then whats the odds of anything changing?
BUT, having said all of the above, if you are working from a place of elevated emotions, elevated energy, and absolute belief and visualization of the future, it can move you towards your future because you have laid it out very clearly. You have now have an arrow and your mind will work towards finding a way to get to it, through the subconscious and the conscious mind. (e.g Dr Joe Dispensas work)
So if you are taking actions in allignment with this energy work, you are “CREATING LUCK!”, you are in harmony with life, as i said above — Wu Wei. Now life will work with you because you arent working from an egoic and thinking based place, you are working from true alignment
Regardless of the ENERGY — The simplest way to say it is that whatever desire you have , e.g relationships, body changes, career goals, inner mindset, then its going to much greater an impact for you if you CREATE and work on your goal actively each day.
Every hour is a miniature day, every hour is a miniature year, every year is a miniature lifetime. Master Actions in the Now, and you master your life
6.BODY + FUEL — Would pouring apple juice into a car fuel tank help to move it?
After focusing on powerlifting and fitness for so long, i got the best body i could imagine, but there wasn’t any real satisfaction. Its because the actual physical body is just a container for the deeper self which wants to thrive in life.
Having said that, the body must be taken care of, because its the temple in which you live in, if you want to do anything in life then you must do it through this body. Imagine it as the car which drives you, do you really need a Ferrari for driving down regular roads? The speed limits 70mph, so why does it matter? Its better to have a car which is well maintained and long lasting, than a car which is costing you a lot to maintain just because of your desire for upholding a “seemingly” strong outer image
So take care of the foods you put into your body and do some movement. Yoga is my preferred form of movement because it hits the mind, body and spirit. If one is really doing yoga then they are aware of every moment, they are breathing, they are activating their life force, they are using the physical body. If this isn’t happening then its gymnastics (that’s for another discussion!!)
I also like to do some form of HIIT movement, kettlebell at times, and some body weight movements (pullups, dips, squats) as it gets me fired up at times
I used to run, sprint, box, CrossFit, and lift heavy weights, right now i don’t have any motivation towards doing any of that, because it doesn’t give me enough benefit Vs time + energy spent.
Food wise, i wont get into the details in this post, but my general rule is to eat things which are a real food, i.e no ingredients! . Nothing which is made of something else! E.g. banana = banana. peanut=peanut. Eating anything which never lived means you may as well eat cardboard and sprinkle some sugar on it to taste good.
Wholefood sources will allow you to work on all of the points mentioned in this article in the most effective way, BUT, BUT…….again…. BUT, don’t take this too far and become lost in finding the right diets, eating a perfect meal everyday, and becoming a nutrition fascist. Its important but it is not as important as you think. I went down this road of nutrition excellence, i did it all right, but it didn’t change my life as powerfully as the other points ive talked about.
Its just a physical realm as i said above, its not going to allow you to have everything you desire if you JUST eat good and exercise, its just better fuel to allow you to use your energy in a better way. Don’t get hung up on this point as a subconscious/conscious way to distract you from the real work….Just simply, be healthier!
7. TIME SPENT BASED ON PURPOSE — Know the reason and reward for doing everything
Why are you really doing this? What do you want to achieve? — with overall aim and interest which will be actioned and absorbed. This applies to courses, reading, or any other form of intake of information (including what others tell you!)
Learn with the context of how you want to grow yourself, this might sound simple but all too many people will read a book and then figure out what they got from it.
But if you go into the book with a hunger and purpose for what you are trying to learn, the book absorbs like a tequila shot on an empty stomach! And after you are done learning, review and take some actions as a result, dont just learn for that “ah cool concept!” approach. Concepts don’t create anything, they are just warm fuzzy feelings for the mind to hug.
This principle can apply to every use of time in your life, who you spend time with, what you are doing in spare time etc. Do not let time pass you by, because you know you will end up judging yourself for it!! If not now, in 10 years time.
Make your future self proud, not bitter!!! Way too many people grow old and grow bitter, but then you meet that old dude whos so content and smiley, its because he has a 100 stories, and a treasure of wisdom to share!
A good way to do this is to count everything you spend your time on, and make a list of which of them are actually posing any real benefit. For those that aren’t, ELIMINATE!
I don’t want to hear the excuses or victim mode of it being hard, a lot of things are hard, but if you truly let the benefit sink in then it wouldn’t feel like torture, it would start becoming enjoyable over time, and in a year you’ll reap the benefits…
All of a sudden your excuse for no time to meditate, read or exercise doesn’t exist…!
8.KAIZEN REFINEMENT– Look at yourself from an observers view and keep tweaking what you are doing.
Learn what works, what doesn’t, and keep refining. Do this via walking, contemplative meditation, journaling, but the most effective way would be to talk to someone (like a coach — I’m biased!) because they will be able to catch your blind spots, they can see you as if they were watching a movie and helping you (the director of the movie) plan some tweaks to make
The best movie producers ask others to review the movies, they dont do it themselves , because they want a fresh pair of eyes helping them.
If we look at ourselves its often easy to protect ourselves and talk ourselves into routine. Look at yourself as an ongoing project, it never ends, the mind may hit you with doubt, but keep adapting yourself. Humans are master adapters, use this power you have
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting results is insanity, keep refining and you will evolve and have wisdom to share with others (like this article!) Japanese will call this Kaizen, its continuous improvement. Removing what isn’t working, and scaling what is, this is WINNING
In a stock market, you are prepared to take some losses for the long term win! Invest your time into your self now and it will pay off in every way
I am working with someone right now who has completely changed her state of mood from reactive, to responsive, and her entire team, family, and personal life has brought in more fruits than ever, but it didn’t happen overnight!
9. Start with HEART — Team work make the Dream work
We care so much about what others think that we will make up stories, pretend, and try to make ourselves look good. We care so much about others, that we feel completely full of emotions such as anger or joy based on an interaction with someone. No other interaction with the world, other than with a human will give you this kind of energy
Therefore imagine how much improving yourself in this area will change your life? A healthy way to be is to be open, and caring. Not wanting things from people but instead giving
I spent a long part of my life believing i had to prove myself and be a lone warrior in achieving all i wanted to achieve. I isolated myself in the gym and i trained like a beast until i became a beast! But i spent 2 years of that training with a good friend of mine, we became a team. We pushed each other, talked about habits, we quite literally grew together, both emotionally and physically.
Those were some of the best times in the gym because i saw a huge transformation occur within myself, but it was a WE rather than just a me!
Our personal journeys can feel dark and scary if we close our hearts off the the world, I have been here many times and it has never been fun! When i expanded my heart, my world expanded. I spent years being catious of people and wondering why people want to talk, i cut off conversations and fled because i felt endangered!
Now — the heart has been the biggest powerhouse of my life, it creates an energy like no others, it makes everything easier and more enjoyable in life.
And the key thing is to love yourself first ! If you cannot love yourself, you can never feel love for another human, let alone be loved!
Count the ways you can love yourself, focus on this for at least a few months before you even attempt to love someone else. And try to bring giving to every interaction with everyone you encounter, watch your life change
10.ENJOYMENT — A Smile always helps
When i say smile i don’t just mean the cheesy grin, i mean the smile that lights up your insides! This is linked into the energy point i mentioned above, but also its fuel for the energy. Its like washing your cups with liquid after them being dirty for a while.
Joy has the ability, like water, to clean everything in your being. The feeling of joy is like no other, its limitless and its filling. This is a key for success because no matter what you do in life, if you cannot feel any joy then it is a worthless endeavor. And actually flexing this muscle often creates the awareness of it, it allows you to notice what brings you deeper joy, versus PLEASURE!
There’s a different between pleasure and enjoyment. Pleasure is short term filling of a gap such as ice cream, alcohol and movies. Enjoyment is truly being with something which lights you up inside, and you look forward to it in a way that you could do it all day. This is why people love to learn new skills such as guitars and cooking, it brings a greater level of satisfaction in life
This is why people love to travel the world, no amount of money or full body massage will give you that same feeling. It isnt the travelling, its the self-fulfillment, its the KNOWING YOU ARE LIVING!!!!
Here’s a rule of thumb: Joyous memories are the ones you remember most, and the ones which make you feel light and buzzing inside. Pleasure is never even a memory, and if it is, its usually not one you share with anyone!
If you got something from this then i would love for you to write to me to tell me about it.
These principles are the core aspects of becoming a better person, rather than step by step guide. There’s 1000 things to do to become great in life, but its a minefield out there and what i really want you to leave with is not do know how to DO, but know who you need to BE.
If you can really hone in on these and commit your time towards them, then you will 100% see a change in your life.
I haven’t given you a how to guide because you have to work that out for yourself based on who you are as a person, your desires, and your commitments in life. The HOW will work differently for everyone, I want to see you make this into your own so that you can create your own master formula
I know what works and i am my own guru, and i help others to become their own too. Its amazing to see how people approach each of these. If you want to explore how you can really put each point into practice (not just read and feel a warm fuzzy feeling and then forget about it!), then drop me a message on my instagram, facebook or email me at rajgorsia@outlook.com.
I would be happy to have a deep dive conversation with you where i can help you (free of charge) to become more effective, happier, and more prosperous. Sort the foundation out, and skys the limit.
I have found that each time i have a conversation with people around this, their perception is changed instantly, because they learn very quickly that slowing down their mind and focusing on a few small tweaks really changes the results that they wish to see.
Every type of spiritual teaching will agree on one thing, to become truly intelligent, you must be willing to open your mind, slow down, and leave your intellect behind.
You can learn more about me by hitting the link below. I make a lot of video content around these topics on my Instagram page. Send me a message, i would like to hear your insights after reading this article